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    How AI Search Is Changing Healthcare Marketing NOW

    Posted by Olivia Campbell on Aug 6, 2024 4:34:29 PM
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    Table of Contents

    Google's AI Revolution
    Microsoft & OpenAI's Next Steps
    Apple Steps Into the Ring
    What Does This Mean For Healthcare?
    What Does Your Practice Need To Do About It?
    Stay Ahead Of The Competition With PracticeBeat
    Frequently Asked Questions

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    In recent years, the internet has undergone a seismic shift, largely driven by advancements in artificial intelligence, more commonly known as AI. From content generation to search algorithms, AI has not only transformed how information is created but has also redefined how it is accessed.

    As this new technology continues to advance and become more commonplace, medical practices must stay up-to-date with these changes and adapt accordingly in order to stay competitive. Understanding how AI is changing healthcare marketing is no longer just a competitive edge; it’s a necessity for survival.

    Healthcare practices, ranging from small private practices to large hospitals, must adapt to these changes to maintain their visibility and relevance. Patients today are more informed and tech-savvy than ever, relying on search engines to find information, evaluate options, and make health-related decisions. As AI improves the efficiency and accuracy of search results, practices that fail to innovate risk being left behind by those who do.

    At Treatspace, we understand the challenges posed by this rapidly evolving digital space. The dedicated team behind our all-in-one digital marketing platform, PracticeBeat, proactively monitors the latest developments in AI and digital marketing strategies to ensure that our clients remain at the forefront. We leverage data-driven insights to craft authoritative and engaging content that resonates with today’s consumers, ensuring that healthcare providers can effectively reach and engage with their target audience no matter how much the digital landscape changes.

    Whether you personally love or hate AI, the reality is clear: this technology is here to stay, and your practice must adapt.

    Google's AI Revolution

    Google has been investing in artificial intelligence technology for over a decade, consistently integrating its advancements into various services, most notably Google Search. The tech giant’s commitment to AI became even more evident during the recent Google I/O developer conference, where they unveiled a host of new tools and features.

    One of the most notable introductions was the fully launched Search Generative Experience (SGE), now called AI Overviews. Now when people type search queries into Google, rather than just being met with a list of relevant links, the AI generates a summary of key information from various listed sources, providing users with a written overview of the topic. AI Overviews will prioritize authoritative content that answers common patient questions comprehensively, putting pressure on healthcare practices to elevate their online presence.

    Google introduced several other noteworthy AI tools during the conference, including new versions of their generative chatbots, video, image, and music models.

    Microsoft & OpenAI's Next Steps

    In early 2023, Microsoft extended its long-term partnership with OpenAI, a multiyear, multibillion-dollar investment. OpenAI, the parent company of ChatGPT—one of the most widely used AI chatbots and virtual assistants—has become synonymous with innovative conversational AI. A few months later, Microsoft introduced Copilot, its newest AI assistant that uses OpenAI's ChatGPT to generate content and answer user questions.

    However, this tool was limited at the time, as it could only access information from its training data. In other words, it couldn't search the Internet to answer questions in real-time, leading to outdated or simply incorrect answers.

    But AI is constantly evolving. Just last month, OpenAI announced that it is currently testing SearchGPT, a prototype designed to compete with Google's AI Overviews. SearchGPT combines the capabilities of ChatGPT with real-time access to the web, allowing it to provide fast, timely, and relevant answers to user queries. Additionally, SearchGPT prominently cites and links to its sources and provides a sidebar populated with related sources and results. This allows users to do additional research and see where the information is coming from.

    Apple Steps Into The Ring

    In June 2024, Apple announced Apple Intelligence, designed for integration across iPhone, iPad, and Mac devices. These new features will start releasing with iOS 18, though the rollout will extend from late 2024 into the first half of 2025.

    With new writing tools powered by OpenAI’s ChatGPT and advanced image and emoji generation (called Genmoji), it's clear that Apple is not shying away from the AI revolution. However, the company has not yet announced any plans for AI in search, as the company does not currently have a search engine.

    Despite this, rumors indicate that Safari 18 will come with an Intelligent Search feature. Though only time will tell if these rumors are true, it seems likely that Apple is working on integrating AI into its browser to compete with Google and Microsoft's advancements.

    What Does This Mean For Healthcare?

    The advent of generative search technologies is poised to significantly alter how patients seek information regarding their healthcare options. Traditional search engines have answered queries with pages upon pages of links, forcing users to sift through results to find the most relevant and reliable information. However, with the implementation of AI-driven conversational responses, patients are now likely to receive comprehensive answers to their queries almost instantaneously.

    For example, if a patient types “Do I need a knee replacement?” into Google, the AI Overview feature may summarize key insights from multiple authoritative sources, articulating the criteria for knee replacement surgery while linking directly to further reading material. For healthcare providers, this means that the flow of organic traffic to individual websites could dwindle as patients obtain the bulk of their initial information directly from the search engine results page (SERP).

    If patients can access a well-crafted summary that addresses their questions effectively, they may be less inclined to navigate to specific websites, even if they're listed as sources. However, some users will undoubtedly do additional research and visit websites for a more in-depth understanding of their healthcare options, which means that healthcare practices must still focus on providing valuable and authoritative content, just as they always have.

    The Importance of a Strong Online Reputation

    Not all search queries will be affected equally. Searches that are inherently local, such as “knee surgeon near me,” are expected to continue driving significant traffic to healthcare providers. These queries trigger Google Business Profiles (GBP), which highlight location-based information, reviews, and contact details.

    First and foremost, this means that listings in Google’s My Business must be accurate and well-managed. For example, if a patient cannot immediately get in contact with you because your office's phone number is incorrect or missing, they'll likely choose a name right under yours that has the correct information rather than attempting to find the correct number on your website.

    Additionally, ratings from patients will be in the spotlight and carry even more weight in influencing a patient’s decision-making process. Not only will Google favor providers who have more positive reviews and higher star ratings as they always have, but those star ratings will be more visible and immediately comparable.

    What Does Your Practice Need To Do About It?

    Managing your GBP and improving your online reputation aren't the only things you need to do - the content on your practice's website might need a refresh, too. Google's AI Overview feature, as well as any other AI-powered search engines that come along, will make providing high-quality and optimized content even more critical than it already is.

    Create Helpful, Reliable, People-First Content (And Plenty Of It)

    Google emphasizes the importance of "helpful, reliable, and people-first content" as a cornerstone of its ranking systems. This means that the information presented to users is specifically designed to meet their needs and help them find genuine answers to their questions, rather than simply serving to attract clicks for search engine rankings. In practical terms, this approach requires informative, clear, and engaging material that genuinely assists prospective patients.

    In other words, empty or outdated SEO tactics like keyword stuffing (repeating the same keyword over and over to increase visibility) will no longer help—if they ever did. Instead, prioritize producing content that genuinely addresses your target audience's needs and concerns in plain language.

    This could create problems for practices that want to use generative AI. While creating a large volume of content is important for capturing the most search queries, you can't risk this content being low-quality. Every piece should maintain a high standard of relevance and utility, ensuring that patients can rely on the information to make informed healthcare decisions. Quality over quantity is vital; patients deserve well-researched, articulate, and engaging content that can truly enhance their understanding of their health and wellness options.

    Focus on Long-Form SEO

    As voice-based search and chatbot technology evolve, they are profoundly transforming SEO strategies. Users are increasingly relying on chatbots and voice assistants such as Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant to perform searches, which prompts a shift from traditional keyword-centric inquiries to more conversational and natural language formats. Instead of typing fragmented phrases or keywords, internet users are articulating complete questions that reflect their everyday speech patterns.

    For instance, instead of searching for “best knee surgeon,” users might ask, “Who are the best knee surgeons near me who accept my insurance?” Such a shift necessitates reevaluating the keywords marketers traditionally optimize for, as long-tail conversational keywords become crucial in crafting content that meets the needs of these voice-searching users.

    It's also helpful to focus on identifying and utilizing these full questions. This means developing FAQs that are aligned with the questions commonly posed by patients, in turn improving the chances of appearing in voice and chat bot search results.

    Stay Ahead Of The Curve & Monitor Your Performance

    Technology is in a constant state of change, which makes staying adaptable and informed about the latest developments crucial for healthcare practices. The field of SEO is particularly dynamic, with algorithms continually changing and new technologies emerging. This means that strategies which may have worked in the past can quickly become obsolete.

    As Google and other AI-powered search engines refine their algorithms to improve user experience, your practice must closely follow industry announcements, updates, and trends to ensure you remain competitive. Remaining informed will not only equip your practice to adjust strategies proactively but also help anticipate shifts that could affect patient engagement and acquisition.

    Monitoring your website's performance is an important part of this adaptability. By regularly analyzing key metrics such as organic traffic, bounce rates, and conversion rates, you can glean valuable insights into how well your content meets patient needs and how effectively it ranks in search results. Moreover, performance tracking allows you to experiment with different content types, layouts, and SEO tactics, offering data-driven feedback that can guide future content creation.

    By consistently evaluating your performance, your practice can stay agile, pivoting strategies as necessary to better serve patients while maintaining a strong online presence amid ongoing changes.

    Stay Ahead Of The Competition With PracticeBeat

    Doctors, practice managers, and front office staff have their hands full managing patient care, scheduling appointments, and coordinating day-to-day operations. Keeping up with the latest SEO trends and changes is a time-consuming and complex task that, despite its importance, can understandably fall by the wayside.

    That's where PracticeBeat comes in. Our team of experts is dedicated to helping healthcare practices succeed online with customized SEO solutions tailored to the unique needs and goals of your practice. Our all-in-one marketing platform offers a comprehensive solution for managing your online reputation, GBP, website content optimization, performance tracking, and more.

    One of the standout features of PracticeBeat is our commitment to staying ahead of industry trends. Our team of experts continuously monitors updates from Google and other major online platforms, ensuring that we're aware of the latest algorithm changes and shifts in user behavior. By doing so, we help practices avoid the pitfalls of outdated strategies. Instead of you having to sift through continuous streams of information—often filled with nuances and complexities—we provide curated insights and actionable recommendations tailored specifically to your practice.

    Our approach is multifaceted, focusing not only on SEO, but also on creating high-quality, relevant content that resonates with your target audience. We believe that helpful, reliable content is the cornerstone of successful online marketing. Therefore, we work closely with healthcare professionals to develop content that answers common patient questions, educates them about their health choices, and reinforces your expertise in your field.

    Moreover, PracticeBeat utilizes advanced analytics to measure your website’s performance meticulously. By tracking critical metrics such as organic traffic, click-through rates, and patient engagement, we can identify what’s working and what needs improvement. This data-driven approach enables us to refine our strategies continually and adapt to the changing digital landscape swiftly. We don’t just implement changes; we monitor and analyze their effects, ensuring that your practice's online presence is consistently optimized for growth.

    In essence, your practice's online presence should not be a source of anxiety. By choosing PracticeBeat as your trusted partner, you’re implementing a proactive strategy that not only keeps you informed but also ensures you’re prepared for whatever changes come your way. We're here to take the burden off your shoulders, allowing you to focus on what you do best: providing exceptional healthcare to your patients.

    Let PracticeBeat begin by preparing a detailed assessment of the top performers in your market and specialty. We will show how you perform, share insights into your performance, and tell you how to outperform your competitors. Sign up for a free assessment and demo today, or visit our website to learn more.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    1. Why should I optimize my healthcare practice’s website for SEO?

    Optimizing your healthcare practice's website for SEO provides numerous benefits, including increased online visibility, attracting more potential patients, and enhancing user experience. Higher rankings in search engine results lead to increased organic traffic to your site. This means more people can discover your services and expertise. Additionally, a well-optimized site improves load times and usability, leading to lower bounce rates and higher patient engagement. Ultimately, effective SEO strategies contribute to greater trust and credibility with both existing and prospective patients.

    2. How often should I update my website’s content for optimal SEO performance?

    Search engines favor fresh content, and regular updates can help maintain or improve your search rankings. At PracticeBeat, our Propel Package includes monthly blog posts, keeping your website current and relevant to patient needs.  We also monitor your site’s performance and make recommendations for content updates as necessary.

    3. Why is patient engagement important?

    Patient engagement is essential for your practice's online presence as it fosters trust and loyalty. Engaged patients are more likely to seek services, adhere to treatment plans, and recommend your practice to others. By providing valuable, informative content and interactive features such as appointment scheduling, live chats, and timely responses to inquiries, your practice can create a supportive digital environment. This not only improves patient satisfaction but also enhances your practice’s reputation, encouraging more patients to choose your services over competitors.

    4. What role does social media play in my practice’s marketing strategy?

    Social media plays a vital role in your practice's marketing strategy by enhancing visibility, engagement, and community connection. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn allow you to share valuable content, highlight patient testimonials, and promote health awareness tips. Engaging with patients directly through social media fosters relationships and builds trust, making patients feel valued. Additionally, effective social media strategies can drive traffic to your website, improving your search engine rankings. Regular interactions can help position your practice as a leader in the field and attract new patients.

    Topics: Practice Growth, Expert Insights, Best Practices