Learn More About The Barriers That Are Hindering Patient Access and Acquisition

How To Get More Patients | Medical Website for Doctors

Written by Olivia Campbell | May 28, 2024 6:16:22 PM

Table of Contents

How Your Website is Affecting Your Practice
The Importance of Aesthetics
The Necessity of Function
It's Time To Stand Out From The Crowd

When a potential patient comes to your practice's front door, what impression do you want them to have? Ideally, they'll see a clean, professional, welcoming space and form the impression that they can be confident in your services. But what if the door handle is broken and, despite your efforts to make the space look as nice as possible, patients never find their way in?

The same concept applies to your website. In an era where every business is online, your website is often the first thing a potential patient will see from your practice. As your digital front door, it shapes first impressions, embodies your practice's ethos, and signifies your commitment to patient care. 

A website that "looks good" might capture initial interest, but if it fails to perform well—with slow loading times, complicated navigation, or lack of mobile optimization—potential patients will quickly move on to another provider.

But how can you be sure about your website's performance? In our latest PracticeBeat guide, we’ll outline the key components of an effective website to help you determine whether or not your digital presence is captivating and converting visitors into patients. 

How Your Website Is Affecting Your Practice

A well-performing website is necessary for enhancing your medical practice's visibility, credibility, and authority. A fast, intuitive, and aesthetically pleasing website not only leaves a visitor feeling positive but also boosts your practice's visibility through better search engine rankings. High-quality content, combined with seamless navigation, establishes your credibility and positions you as an authority in your field.

Conversely, an outdated, unappealing, poorly performing website can significantly tarnish your practice's reputation. Potential patients will likely question the quality of care they would receive from you if your website fails to meet their expectations. An unresponsive design or slow-loading pages can also result in frustrated users abandoning your site altogether.

Given the competitive nature of the healthcare industry, your website needs to stand out to attract and retain patients. A website that is not optimized for user experience will fail to deliver the desired results, leaving you with a limited online presence and missed opportunities for growth. 

Don't underestimate the impact of your website on your practice's success—it can make or break your online presence and, ultimately, your patient acquisition efforts.

The Importance Of Aesthetics

A visually appealing website is crucial for creating a positive first impression and keeping potential patients engaged. The best websites seamlessly blend form and function, employing an aesthetic that appeals to its intended audience while ensuring an optimal user experience. 

Key elements that contribute to an attractive website include:

Brand Representation

Your website is a platform for conveying your brand's identity, values, and professionalism. Maintaining a consistent, recognizable brand across your website—including logos, color schemes, typography, and imagery—ensures patients can easily identify and connect with your practice.

However, a website that lacks consistency can disrupt the perception of your brand, confusing visitors and making them question the reliability and quality of your services. If your competitors have effectively branded websites but your practice doesn’t, potential patients will be persuaded to choose them over you. 

Design & Visual Appeal

At the very core of a visually appealing website lies the careful selection and implementation of design elements. From layout and color scheme to imagery and font type, a website's design has the power to evoke emotion, convey information, and guide visitors' actions.

Consistent Color Schemes

A cohesive color scheme that properly reflects your practice's identity adds to the aesthetic appeal of your website, and it’s also an important tool for influencing visitors. This color scheme should be consistent in all aspects of your design.

The right color combinations can enhance the user experience, guiding visitors’ attention to key sections and contributing to the overall mood of the website. Misaligned or jarring color schemes, however, can detract from the professionalism of your site, causing distraction or discomfort to potential patients.

High-Resolution Images

High-quality imagery, whether photographs or illustrations, can add interest and personality to your site while showcasing different aspects of your practice. Professional images not only make your website aesthetically pleasing but also contribute to the overall credibility of your medical services.

In contrast, low-quality or irrelevant images may convey a lack of attention to detail or unprofessionalism, creating a negative impression on potential patients.

Legibility of Text

Selecting an appropriate font type and size is crucial for ensuring easy reading and understanding of your website's content. Content should be easily scannable, with headers that guide the reader through the page, text that is broken up into digestible paragraphs, and color choices that don't strain the eyes. 

Poor font choices, such as overly decorative or small text, can quickly turn visitors away from your website, hindering their ability to learn about your practice and potentially leading them to seek services elsewhere.

Balance & Clarity

An engaging and effective website strikes the right balance between text and visuals, presenting information clearly and concisely. It should avoid overwhelming visitors with too much content or complex layouts that make it difficult to navigate.

The strategic use of white space, also known as negative space, is crucial for achieving this. These empty areas between text, images, and other design elements give the website a clean, uncluttered appearance that allows visitors to focus on key information easily. 

A cluttered or confusing website, on the other hand, may frustrate visitors and drive them away from your practice.


The memorability and uniqueness of your website design play a crucial role in distinguishing your medical practice from the competition. A website that stands out keeps the interest of your visitors and ensures that they remember your practice long after they have left your site. Implementing unique design elements, like an interactive feature or a distinctive visual style, can help foster a strong connection between your practice and potential patients.

Creating a memorable website also involves displaying your practice's values, mission, and the benefits of your services. Stories have the power to evoke emotions, making your brand more relatable and memorable to your audience. By incorporating storytelling elements into your website, such as patient testimonials, blog posts, or your practice's history, you can create a more engaging and memorable experience for your visitors.

Ultimately, the goal is to ensure that when the need for medical services arises, your practice stands out in the minds of potential patients. 

The Necessity Of Function

Though visual appeal is vital, your website needs to be functional and user-friendly for it to truly be effective. Here are some key elements your website should have to ensure a seamless experience for potential patients:

Speed & Mobile Optimization

In our fast-paced digital landscape, speed is crucial. A site with unoptimized graphics, videos, or other demanding elements can load slowly, causing visitors to lose patience and leave your site. After all, internet users expect rapid access to information, and delays can significantly increase bounce rates. 

Moreover, with a growing majority of users accessing the internet through smartphones and tablets, your website must be optimized for mobile devices. A mobile-responsive design adapts to different screen sizes and orientations, ensuring that your website is easily navigable and that content is readily accessible on any device. This adaptability enhances the user experience, regardless of how they access your site, and can also positively affect your search engine rankings.

Third-party tools are essential for objectively assessing your website’s performance in these areas. Though a newer device using a fast browser and a strong network connection may load your site quickly, some potential patients may have slower internet speeds or be using older devices. These tools quantitatively measure your website's performance, regardless of the user's device, providing valuable insights on how to increase your reach and improve the overall user experience.

Navigation & User Experience

Clear, intuitive navigation is non-negotiable for any medical practice website. A well-structured navigation menu acts as a roadmap, guiding potential patients through your website easily and efficiently. It ensures users can find the information they need without confusion or frustration. Key services, contact information, and important resources should be no more than a few clicks away, making it effortless for visitors to find and engage with your practice.

The strategic presence of call-to-action (CTA) buttons also plays a pivotal role in converting website visitors into patients. CTAs like "Book an Appointment," "Contact Us," or "Learn More" should be prominently displayed throughout your site, encouraging visitors to take the next step in their healthcare journey with your practice. 

These buttons need to stand out visually, but they should also integrate seamlessly with the overall design of your website. Compelling CTAs can motivate potential patients to engage with your practice directly, significantly increasing the chances of new patient acquisition and retention.

Functional Contact Forms

Contact forms serve as a direct line of communication between your practice and potential patients, enabling them to reach out with queries, schedule appointments, or request further information with ease. They must be designed thoughtfully, with user experience in mind, ensuring they are simple to fill out, require minimal scrolling, and clearly indicate which fields are mandatory.

These forms must also ensure the security and confidentiality of patient information. Under HIPAA, any method of patient communication, including online contact forms, must adhere to strict privacy and security standards. This compliance entails implementing encryption protocols to protect data as it is transmitted between the user's browser and your server, ensuring that sensitive information cannot be intercepted or accessed by unauthorized parties.

Additionally, implementing a system to confirm receipt of submissions, such as an automated email response, reassures users that their message has been received and will be addressed promptly. 

Sitemap Presence

A sitemap outlines the structure of your site, organizing all main pages and subpages. This not only makes it easier for users to find the specific information they need quickly, but it also improves the crawling efficiency of your website, ensuring all pages are discovered and indexed properly. This can significantly enhance your site's visibility in search results, making it easier for potential patients to find your practice online.

Schema Markup

Though invisible to users, schema markup is a code you can add to your website to help improve its presence on search engines. This code is written in a specific language that search engines can use to understand your content and match it with relevant queries. 

For medical practices, schema markup could highlight a variety of information directly in search results, from services offered to patient testimonials, location details, and hours of operation. Not only does this improve your practice's visibility, but it also helps attract more relevant traffic to your site by giving potential patients a snapshot of what to expect before visiting your website.

In other words, schema markup allows you to give search engines specific instructions on how to interpret your content and tailor it to your target audience.

Security & Privacy

Due to the personal nature of the data involved, the healthcare industry is particularly sensitive to privacy concerns. Because of this, ensuring the security and privacy of your website users' information is not just a recommended practice; it is essential for building trust with potential patients. 

Implementing robust security measures such as SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificates is the first step in safeguarding your website. SSL certificates encrypt data in transit, making it much harder for unauthorized parties to intercept and read information. Additionally, encrypting stored data ensures that even if data breaches occur, the information remains unintelligible without the encryption keys.

Content Optimized for Search Engines

Optimizing your website's content for search engines is crucial for boosting its visibility and attracting relevant traffic. By researching and using the keywords and phrases that potential patients are searching for, you can tailor your content to meet their needs more effectively.

However, it's important to integrate these keywords naturally into your content. The goal is to create informative, engaging content that serves the reader's interest, not to just manipulate search engine rankings. Overusing keywords, or "keyword stuffing," can detract from the quality of your content and may even result in lower rankings.

In addition, search engines favor websites that offer new, useful, and relevant content on a regular basis. For this reason, incorporating a blog and posting regularly about topics related to your field can help you attract a wider audience and establish your practice as an authoritative source of information.

Leveraging Analytics Tools

Implementing and regularly reviewing analytics allows you to measure your website’s performance and identify areas of improvement. By understanding which pages are the most popular, where your traffic is coming from, and how users interact with your site, you can make data-driven decisions to improve your website's effectiveness in attracting and retaining patients.

With Treatspace's all-in-one PracticeBeat platform, these tools are seamlessly integrated into your website's dashboard, providing you with real-time data and insights to help you make informed decisions and drive your practice's success.

It's Time To Stand Out From The Crowd

A well-designed website is an essential tool for any medical practice seeking to attract and retain patients. If your website isn't living up to its full potential, whether its design, functionality, or both is lacking, it may be hindering your practice's growth and success. Unfortunately, maintaining a cutting-edge, patient-friendly website requires continuous effort and expertise, which can be challenging for busy medical practices. 

When you choose PracticeBeat, you’ll get a modern, high-performing website without any hassle. We specialize in creating and maintaining quality websites specifically designed for medical practices, meaning you won't have to choose between a website that looks great and one that performs even better. 

With a user-friendly, attractive, informative, secure, and highly visible website made by our team, you can establish trust with potential patients and convince them that your practice is the right choice for their healthcare needs. Plus, with our analytics dashboard and regular updates to keep your site relevant and engaging, you can sit back and focus on what matters most—providing exceptional care to your patients.

Don't let an outdated or underperforming website hold your practice back any longer. Upgrade and optimize your online presence with Treatspace's PracticeBeat platform and watch your practice thrive. 

Let PracticeBeat begin by preparing a detailed assessment of the top performers in your market and specialty. We will show how you perform, share insights into your performance, and tell you how to outperform your competitors. Sign up for a free assessment and demo today, or visit our website to learn more.